The words spoken through her lips have so deep a meaning to your life. Be it advise, a shoulder to cry on, and even ... a harsh word or two. I just endured the latter.
One cannot imagine that a mother is capable of saying such cruelty. Her words cut me through like a knife. Torn my heart apart with such ease. But no blood was spilt. although I wish it did. Those words could kill me. And I wish it would. Because remembering every sentence, word by word, brings so much pain, and so much tears, I just wish I could end it right now. I don't want it to go over an over like a record in my head. I want it to stop. The only way it could stop is if I stopped breathing.
I'm not going to kill myself. What? Do you think I'm freakin' crazy? No. Because I know if I did, not only will I receive the wrath from Almighty, but it will also kill my own mother. For she would know that it was her very words that killed me. And I don't want her to go through that. I lover her too much.
No matter what she says, she is still my mother. And nothing is going to change that. No matter how painful.
All I can do now is just go through life, knowing that she siad those cruel things to me. And I cannot face her for that.
Call me a coward. I don't care. Because the only reason I don't want to see her again, is so that I won't have to look in her eyes and remember the things she said, and animosity to brew inside of me. I don't ever want to hate her. I want to love her. And I want her to love me.
I know in Islam, a mother's wrath is God's wrath, and I fear for both. And knowing that my mother hates me, makes me hate myself and life in general. Maybe it is better for me just to ... disappear from the face of the Earth. Maybe it's for the better good of mankind. Maybe it is.
No. I won't kill myself. I'll let someone else do it for me.
How does it feel to be killed by a speeding car? I want my death t be quick. No pain. No more pain. It pains me enough already. It pains me more than being hit by a car, or a truck for that matter. But I think it's best just the same ... that ... I just ... died.
It's the best possible solution, for everyone's sake, and myself.