Anyhoo, the first half of the journey went by probably quickly, as I was fast asleep during that whole time. Of course I was asleep. I arrived home at about 1.15am and slept at somewhere around 3am or so. And I woke up at 7am. Can you believe it?
So, as to not wanting to spend the long hols alone, I decided to buy a bus ticket home. Last minute decision as always. I got the 4pm Transnasional Skyview, Thank God! Transnasional's the only company that actually has a bus ride to Pasir Gudang, which is good for me.
Long story short, after we departed from Machap (pit stop that we Transnasional always take) the bus driver decided to play a movie. And guess what? Of all the stupid, and idiotic movies there has been produced in this whole entire world, he chose to play 'Bohsia: Jangan Pilih Jalan Hitam'.
Now, I'm no fan of Malaysian movies. Not that I'm prejudiced or thinking I'm better than anything or whatever, but I was right to be prejudiced. In this case anyway.
I never wanted to watch that movie. Saw the trailers, the posters at cinemas and etc. But I've never had or wanted to watch it. I mean, there were other and way better offerings at the cinemas during the time that the movie came out. So, I never had the opportunity to critic it. Well, my first hunch was, it's not going to be worth the money spent. And I was right.
I don't know how I was able to survive that abominable piece of garbage. Everything was oh-so wrong. From the script, the acting, the plot, and even the soundtrack. It was utterly abysmal. That's the sum of my review for this movie. Abysmal with a capital A-B-Y-S-M-A-L.
Word of caution. Please don't sacrifice your intelligence by watching this movie. It has no moral value whatsoever. It has nothing. Nothing at all. No depth, no meaning. Absolutely nothing. And this review has basically nothing either. No explanation. Because there is nothing to explain about this movie. It's just not worth watching it. Not even when you get to watch it for free.