I have been to a few memorable faces, and have now increased and have now expanded my portfolio of acquaintances and friends to Phillipino folks over here throughout the duration I've been staying here and I intend to expand it even more.
Is this to say I have no friends back home? Heck no. I have friends. They irk me. They stress me out. But hey ... that's what friends do. But all in all, they make me laugh, they make me smile, they comfort me when I'm down. Ultimately, when I need them, they are there.
Anyway, what has Manila done for me?
The main purpose (for me) to head on to Manila is for experience purposes. It's not so much of sightseeing considering that I've been sent here for 7 weeks (which then 3 more weeks were added on to my stay), so there'll be plenty of that for sure. But, it's more of a what Nigel Lythgow always seem to tell the contestants in 'So You Think You Can Dance', that he wants to see them grow.
The question is ... have I grown? Its hard to say. I am, after all, a slow learner. LOL
I'd like to think that I have as I have, to some degree, been able to control some of my facial expressions and attitude as to now reflect the negativity although my heart and my emotions are full of bull at the time, but for the sake of training purposes, I have been able to let the emotions slide by, if only for a while. I believe, that n itself, is an achievement for me.
However, I have still not allowed my heart to grow as much as I needed it to grow. I am still a hopeless romantic and head over heels over every guy that catches my eye. Darn it!
Manila guys, I'm afraid to say as to not sound betrayal towards my nation, are so damn HOT!!!! -ter than those back home. LOL
Maybe it's being the fact that they're a mixed bunch of people ... Spanish blood, Phillipino blood (for sure), and all sorts of blood ... I mean ... look at D-Trix for instance ... hello ... cutie pie!
So of course ... I'm spoilt for choice ;D not that I have a chance in hell though. But, well, it's refreshing for the eyes ... I wake up and see hot guys, before I go to bed I see hot guys ... it's a win-win situation for me. I don't have to get to know them. Seeing them is more than enough. Seeing a smile on their face is like WOW ... I've yet to see this one guy smile yet. I've still got 6 weeks to go. By hook or by crook, I'm gonna get him to smile.
Just a thing though ... I'm too .. how to say, hard at smiling myself? Well, it's more due to the fact that it's difficult for me to show courtesy to guys I like because I don't want them to know I like them? It's like back in junior school .... you like someone, and you bully them ... Dang! I have not grown up it seems.
Well ... on another note, I'm cooking more now (out of desperation) so ... kudos to my future husband. He's gonna get one heck of a wife ... you lucky man!!!!!