To some degree. To some extent. Although, not entirely. My overly imaginative brain is working overtime.
It's weird how you thought nothing can hurt you. You've been through life and bumped into disastrous incidences, obstacles, and you came out of it all, with bruises and cuts, but your head remains intact.
You think you're invincible. Immune to life's petty plagues and viruses. You walked through the H1N1 epidemic with your head held high and stared the disease right in the eyes and came out on top. It didn't dare come near you.
Your migraine though, is a frequent visitor. Knocks on your door every now and again, but it still can't bring you down. Now matter how your brain throbs, your veins feel like they're about to burst ... And yet, not an MC in sight. Not a single one.
The conditions, the rules have now been set at a higher level. The roads are getting tougher. The weather ain't your friend anymore. Your body is starting to wear down. You don't want to give up ... but then, it's starting to become really cold.
Too cold. That's odd. This tingling sensation, the frost biting at your bones, you didn't even experience that in winter. You cannot be experiencing worse in warm, sunshiny Malaysia. It's just not possible.
Is it the air-conditioning? Well, I can't lie. It is freezing. Everyone else says it too.
But why is it still all too weird? As your fingers dance across the keyboard, tap tapping away giddily, you notice something peculiar. Since when is it so frickin' cold, that my nails are becoming blue?
I kid you not. Sometimes, they aren't that blue. But a washed-out purple-ish hue, which is still abnormal as it should be a pinkish colour ... which is human.
Taking a cold shower on a scorching hot afternoon. The water feels like ice. What is going on? Now, this is way too much. Your nails are blue. Too blue. The bluest blue a nail could ever be (which is not painted in polish)
Google is my life saver. At least, he provided me the answers I seek ... partially.
Insufficient oxygen.
Since when did I stop breathing? But, I can totally agree with this cause of blue nails. My fingers feel icy cold. I, myself, am freezing to death. My head is spinning, it feels sort of heavy, yet so airily light. I can't feel myself think. I can't think straight. My writing is crap.
That's the ultimate symptom. Never in my life has my writing sucked as much as this.
Darn it.