Sunday, January 24, 2010

Impulse Reactions

I'm trying to recollect as to why I had initially chosen "impulse Reactions" for the title of this post. Seeing that when I initially wanted to scribble down my thoughts, the internet connection was a wee bit problematic, thus I was unable to pen anything down for the matter.

I'd hate to remove the post entirely (which is a weird thing to say seeing that there wasn't anything on this post except the title) and so I will still be using "Impulse Reactions" although it is no longer a homage to what I originally intended.

Perhaps I should start by defining what I meant by impulse reactions...if I can remember it correctly, I never meant it as a 'reaction' per say, as I am not 'reacting' towards an incident. It's more leaning towards acting impulsively. However, should I use that as a title, somehow,  don't think it would suit my dramatic personality.

Yes. I am rather a dramatic person. More of a drama queen. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen will best suit me if not for the fact that I am neither a teenager, nor in pursuit of a singing/acting career. For I have neither the interest and (most importantly) the talent. Thus, making me disinterested.

Although, I do like ... nah! I like emcee-ing, but I have a severe case of stage fright which is evident when I had to go up to the stage to collect my award for Best GSE back in 2009.

Wow... it seems like a lifetime ago, when it's only been a few months back.

Impulsive. I believe that does sum up my characteristics. I do act rather impulsively.

Talking without thinking? Well, it's nothing new. I do try one way or another to curb that nasty habit, especially in the work place. You do need to maintain in the management's good books. But, occasionally, one does tend to slip up from time to time.

I remember once I was supposedly talking to both of my neighbours, which turns out, they didn't understand a word I was saying. It could have been mumbo jumbo for all they care ... although it was plain and simple English. And I was too lazy to repeat myself so I didn't bother.

Hehe .. the things that happen at work. I swear it's more like a playground at times. And I guess that is for the better. It makes life more easier and meaningful. I'd hate it if it were too quiet.
After all, they do say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

I'm pretty much bored out of my kahunas right now. I am absolutely too lazy to even put on any decent clothes to go out, plus I don't really have the fivers to spare anyway. Just waiting for Monday at 9PM when the money starts piling up in my account.

Other than that, I can still survive Monday. I've got enough cash for dinner and lunch. If not, the backup plan will be, I'd actually cook a meal for tomorrow.

We'll see how that goes.

In a nutshell, my erratic behaviour once more demonstrates how impulsive I can be. No planning, no preparation. Just going in head first and hoping for the best.

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