It didn't hurt. Not even a slight pinch. It was surprising. The least I expected was an ants bite. And yet, nothing. The long, thin needle pierced into my skin. Drawing out the blood from my veins. The dark, red liquid gushing out like tapwater.
I was shocked at the amount of blood that was taken from me.
Horrible thoughts swam through my head. Will I survive? Will there be enough blood left for my heart to pump oxygen throughout my entire anatomy?
My head was already spinning. Is this an indication that there actually
is something wrong? Perhaps it could be due to the fact that my inability to sleep prolonged ... far too long ... I have not slept in days.
My body is weakening due to lack of rest. My brain's inability to properly function ... my inability to endure hardship ... it's taking a toll on me.
Slowly, a stabbing yet subtle pain was felt on my left arm (the doctor drew blood from my left arm because she was unable to find a vein on my right arm ... the left arm wasn't much help either, she forced the needle even though the vein wasn't prominent .. pure luck nothing bad happened to me). Drawing out the needle hurts more than the needle going in.
Yes, I knew that from watching too many episodes and re-runs of CSI: Crime Scene Investigators, CSI: Miami and CSI: New York. If you stab a person, that person may not die ... as the blade actually acts as a block for the body from bleeding out. Only if you pull the knife out ... then it's sayonara!
It still hurts a little ... even though it's now 7 hours later. Well, it's not really painful, just a little numb.
I fear if I dare to take off the bandage, I'd see something that would probably haunt me for the rest of my life.
Oh .. and never again! Never again will I endure going through a full medical check up. Not because of my fear of needles or blood. (I have no qualms over this ... I'm a big, strong girl) but the ECG!!!!
I should have done my homework prior to coming to the hospital. i hadn't a single clue as to what an ECG could have been.
Sure, I found out soon enough. To test the heart. Sounds simple right? What's so frightening about
OMG! Oh my Lord!
I had not the faintest idea that to take this frickin' ECG heart test, I actually had to flash my boobs!
Yeah, when the medical assistant asked me to take off any metal objects (like my watch and my bra, because of the under-wire), I thought ... OK. Easy enough.
Then lying down on the bed, she said she'll put the thingy on my wrists, my feet, and my chest.
Still hadn't a clue.
The shock came when she said I had to lift my top.
Say what?!! Come again?!! Lift as in ... reveal my twins? Seriously?
Heck .. the only other person who's ever seen my boobs is my own reflection!
But that ain't the worst part. Oh no. There was more.
She had to place this gel on several parts of my left boob.
At the side, under, the other side, far back. And to top it all off, stick this thingamajig sucking device on those areas. Again, scrutinizing my boobs.
No, I'm not saying she's gay and has a knack for looking at people's boobs. Just that, well, it's embarrassing don't you think so? And plus what with the cold, gust of wind from the air-conditioning! You
know what happens to a woman's bosom during the cold!
Well ... the worst is yet to come. Imagine when I get married and preggers and all that shite?!! The doc is gonna see waaaay more than anyone should.

Blood Suckers